Thursday, 27 June 2013

Joop! Homme by Joop! (1989)

Joop! Homme by Joop!

.....JOOP!, sorry I just HAD to!, I love the name of this fragrance, bright pink liquid with a name like that just looks like so much fun!, I also recently found out that it is apparently pronounced "Yope!" although I still call it Joop! as most conversations go along the lines of "Oh what are you wearing?" "Yope!" "Yope!? never heard of that one" "Sorry, Joop!" "Oh Joop! I love that!" ...ya see?'s a sad world when you can't even pronounce a cologne's name correctly for fear of no one recognising it! BLARGH! what a crazy world!

Now for some basic information. This fragrance was released in 1989 and was an instant hit, a PERFECT clubbing cologne, pink, funny name, lasts for ages, smells sweet and appeals to ladies and came with the best chat up line ever for guys "Hey Ladies, I'm wearing Joop!"...some colognes say that 60% of the time, they work...every time! (Come on...a Lex blog post without an Anchorman quote!?...are you mad!?"). However, Joop! works 100% of the time, every time and most of the men using it woke up in the bed of a woman entranced by the scent of his JOOP!...100% of the time!, OH YES! GENTLEMEN OH YES! back in 1989 this was the greatest thing since Jovan Musk For Men by Jovan, but I'll discuss that another time! now the rules!

Rule 1: It's strong as hell, remember that - Sprayed 5 sprays of this? JOOPSIE DAISY! big mistake! this fragrance is strong as hell, My recommendation? 2 sprays! maybe 3 if you are Chuck Norris but if not, then no more than 2! one on the lower neck and one on the back of the neck is fine. Trust me with Joop! less is more!, you'll thank me when you go through a three full packs of condoms in one night! WOOP! WOOP! sorry...i mean! JOOP! JOOP!.

Rule 2: Dress down! - Joop! is nice but it isn't what I would call classy I think a polo shirt with jeans or even chinos and trainers would be okay with this, perhaps casual shoes, but In no way would this be worn with a suit! or even a smart shirt with jeans, polo shirt is as dressy as it gets with Joop! I mean fair enough I wear it with my blue trousers and white blazer and Italian shoes for the Miami Vice look but hey, I still think it's 1984, so yeah dress it down with this one gents!

Rule 3: Wear it if you like it - Some people will HATE Joop! "It's sickly sweet" "Smells like cheap bubble gum in a bottle" These people have opinions, however that is all they have, if they don't like the smell of Joop! and complain to you about it...screw em!, you're the one having a good time with a smile on your face and they're in a hissy fit having to smell this so-called "horrid" fragrance, and I promise you if you complained about their scent you would get brushed aside with some bitchy comment like "Well you'll just have to deal with it!" Ignore these hypocrites gentlemen, if you like Joop! wear Joop! and wear it with pride!

Now this is the sad end of the post! but all I would like to say is, this stuff rocks, I love beasty longevity and sillage and this rivals A* Men by Thierry Mugler so be sure to check it out and it is also cheaper than most of the fragrances I got my 75ml bottle for £20! so yes that was a steal so shop around!.

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